The APTA Private Practice Board of Directors and Government Affairs Committee (GAC) through the support of the section's lobbyist firm, Hooper, Lundy, and Bookman, are actively engaged in monitoring, commenting, and meeting with key congressional members. Additionally, our Key Contacts network actively works to build relationships with Members of Congress to educate and advocate congress on issues impacting physical therapists and the communities they serve.  

Use these resources to enhance your understanding of federal issues related to the practice of physical therapy, find congressional contacts, and learn how to be an effective advocate. Subscribe to our advocacy blog to have updates sent to you. 

How Can You Help?

  1. Educate yourself on the issues using the resources below.
  2. Become a Key Contact and join our network of those working to create change.
  3. Respond to Action Alerts from APTA and APTA Private Practice and make your voice heard. 

Legislative One-pagers

Legislative one-pagers are drafted by our lobbying team on key issues. They are designed so that you can leave a copy if you have a meeting with a congressional office, or use them to get a quick understanding of this issue for yourself.


  • Improving Senior’s Timely Access to Care Act (H.R.8702/S.4532) which would reduce administrative burdens association with prior authorization by streamlining and standardizing how Medicare Advantage plans use prior authorization as well as increasing oversight and transparency of its use.
  • EMPOWER Act (H.R.4878/S.2459) which seeks to require Medicare to accept a state's supervision standard for PTAs in all settings instead of Medicare requiring direct supervision in outpatient therapy settings.
  • Prevent Interruptions in Physical Therapy Act (S.793/H.R.1617) which would enable all physical therapists to utilize locum tenens arrangements under Medicare.
  • Expanded Telehealth Access Act (H.R.3875) which seeks to make permanent Medicare's temporary coverage for physical therapists using telehealth to provide physical therapy services.
  • The REDUCE Act (H.R. 7279) This legislation will streamline the plan of care by eliminating the need for additional paperwork for those outpatient therapy services provided under a physician’s order if the therapist simply submits the plan of care to the patient’s referring physician within 30 days of the initial evaluation.

Find Your Members of Congress

Key Jurisdictional Committees

The House and Senate depend on committees to effectively consider the thousands of bills that are proposed each session. Find out if your Senator or Congressional Representative serves on a key committee of jurisdiction.

2023-2024 Legislative & Advocacy Priorities

Congressional Communications

Regulatory Communications